O’Rourke Media Group Acquires the Sussex Printing Corporation

Mar 31, 2022 | Company Updates

O’Rourke Media Group has acquired the Sussex Printing Corporation in Seaford, Delaware.  The transaction includes The Guide, theguide.com and the commercial real estate.     

“I’m excited to welcome The Guide and all of their employees into our Company,” said Jim O’Rourke, O’Rourke Media Group CEO.   “As I studied this Delmarva market and got to know Amy and Tim, the current owners, I just got more and more excited about this company.  The Guide has a strong brand and aligns nicely to our growth strategy as it relates to print advertising, printing & design, and digital.  We’re charged up to work with the team on expanding our digital business and agency in the state of Delaware, and we love the market’s proximity to Philadelphia, South New Jersey and Maryland.”  

Sussex Printing was formed over 60 years ago and has been woven into people’s  lives in the market area ever since.  Today, The Guide maintains a healthy print footprint and readership on the Delmarva Peninsula and has a strong advertising base of customers, including robust classifieds.   The Guide is essentially all advertising, is printed in-house and distributed via company drivers and vehicles.   

“Our employees are hard-working, dedicated and are like my family,” says Amy Higgins, third generation owner and President/COO.  “With that said, I’m confident that I’m leaving my company in great hands with Jim and O’Rourke Media Group.”

O’Rourke Media Group officially takes over on April 1 and will be hiring all 50 current employees. 

O’Rourke Media Group currently operates in six states with a full-service digital agency and 23 publications and hyperlocal websites.  Our team of marketing experts specialize in providing customized digital marketing strategies and solutions for any size business and budget.   We are also a hyper-local community news publisher with an audience of print subscribers, digital subscribers, website pageviews, social media followers and email newsletters.  

We have established ourselves as a top-performing, full-service digital agency in the communities we serve and with many customers outside of our core market areas.  Digital revenue is increasing at a rapid pace, we have excellent customer retention and amazing talent leading the way when it comes to strategy, sales execution, and fulfillment.  You can learn more about our company at orourkemediagroup.com.  

Grimes & McGovern represented the Seller for this transaction.